blog, where we share the best tips for capturing those picture-perfect moments with your furry friends! Whether you’re looking to improve your pet photography skills or explore the latest in pet parent lifestyle, you’ll find a mix of fun, down-to-earth advice and inspiration here. Grab your pup and let’s dive into a world full of wagging tails, playful poses, and unforgettable memories!
Did you feel that spark the moment you first saw your puppy? I still remember the first time I laid eyes on Saylor’s profile online—I knew we were meant to be, those baby fat wrinkles just stole my heart! Despite just moving to a new city and not even settling into my permanent home yet, […]
Ansel Adams once said, “The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it.” And as a pet photographer, I couldn’t agree more. While the gear certainly plays a role, it’s the vision behind the lens that truly makes an image. Earlier this week, I shared a reel on Instagram that […]
It wasn’t so long ago that people viewed pets as property – something they “owned.” It’s incredibly heartening to see how far we’ve come in recognizing that pets are not property, but beloved family members.
Alright, fellow dog parents, this week we’re mixing it up with a (mostly) indoor adventure because, let’s face it, in the middle of Florida summer, it’s just too hot and buggy out there! So we’re heading to our all-time favorite boutique pet store: 3 Dogs & a Chick! This awesome, locally-owned shop in Ft. Walton […]